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Lidia Finlayson posted a condolence
Saturday, May 20, 2023
I remember Judy as a Pony Club supporter to the Leitchcroft Pony Club during my tenure as District Commission at the farm from the mid-1990's to the early 2000's. She offered advice to riders and provided a couple of seminars at our Educational Sessions; demonstrating hands-on techniques for horsemanship best practices. She was kind and always in good humour. She had a little Jack Russel Terrier when I knew her, and the funny thing about this little pup was the way he would take hold of her horse's lead shank and walk the horse to its' stall. I also remember her as an accomplished equestrian, competing at recognized levels. My sincere condolences to the family. Rest-in-peace Judy and may God bless.
Nancy Emo posted a condolence
Friday, March 24, 2023
My horses and I spent many wonderful years with Judy at her farm. RIP, Judy. You are missed.
Nancy and Little Red
Andrea Malatestinic posted a condolence
Thursday, March 23, 2023
An incredible lady, an incredible horsewoman- gone too soon. My thoughts are with Judy's family and close friends through this difficult time
Robin Campbell posted a condolence
Thursday, March 23, 2023
Judyth will be missed. I did not know her well, but any interaction I had with her (all in the horsey part of her life), was positive and fun. Also, who can hang around horses and still look so stylish? Judyth could! I enjoyed xc schooling at her beautiful farm. She was welcoming, and it was a lot of fun. My sincere condolences to her family and many friends.
Patricia O'Connor posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Love this picture of Judy. Its perfect. She took very good care of Aurora and Rocket while we are her barn, we are forever thankful to her for her care. ZZ I am sure is sitting on her lap right now.
Chantel cook uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Judy had the kindest soul I've ever had the honor to be around. She taught me so much in life and in horses, she is and will forever be my idol. I'm going to miss you so much Judy.
Maureen Hall uploaded photo(s)
Monday, March 20, 2023

Judy was such a wonderful person and we have great memories of bringing our younger horses to her farm to school cross country. She was so great with my sons and helped them so much. She was such a kind and knowledgeable horse person as well. Here she is teaching my younger son.
Nanci Francis posted a condolence
Monday, March 20, 2023
Judy was my best buddy and partner in crime at Leitchcroft Farm for many years. We rode together, shared secrets, ate late night meals and laughed often. We were in a segment of “Live It Up” as students learning how to play polo and Judy rode my horse, Viscount, cross country in her bug suit from that show! Oh, to see her flying over those jumps in a puffy suit with wings and antennae on her helmet! Lovingly named “Juicy Bossyboots” by Lucinda Green at a clinic we attended left us with her nickname of “Juicy”. Together with Lynsey Rowan, Greg Paull and Angela Penman, Juicy was always terrific fun. She had that knack of living life to the fullest and it always included tons of laughter! Those were the best days of my life! Juicy generously gave me a painting which has been on my wall ever since. She was so talented and I love it. I am heartbroken that she has left us too soon. Rest in Peace Juicy. You have left indelible memories behind and lots of love from everyone you met.
The family of Judyth Ellen Hodgkinson uploaded a photo
Monday, March 20, 2023

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